Fresh Churros and Peanut Nougat Dipping Sauce – Nougat and Nice

Fresh Churros and Peanut Nougat Dipping Sauce

Fresh Churros and Peanut Nougat Dipping Sauce

Churros and Dipping sauce

Churros Dough-
80g Butter chopped
1 cup of water
150g plain flour or see gluten free option below
3 eggs, lightly whisked

150ml whipping cream
200g Box of Nougat and Nice Nougat, in the flavor of your choice


Churros Dough

  1. In a pot combine the butter and water then place on the stove, bring to the boil. Remove the pot from the heat and with a wooden spoon stir in flour. Return to the heat and constantly mixing with wooden spoon cook until you get a little flour crust on the bottom of pan.
  2. Remove and place dough into a bowl to cool down to body temp about 36 degrees.
  3. Using a wooden spoon or an electric mixer, combine eggs into dough in 3 parts until completely combined.
  4. Prepare your piping bag with a small star tip nozzle and fill the piping bag with your churro's mixture.
  5. Prepare a fry pan with about 2cm of oil in the base for frying the churros. Bring the oil up to 175 degrees checking with a thermometer. Once the oil has reached temperature it is ready to start cooking the churros.
  6. Pipe out 10 cm strips into the oil carefully using the edge of the pan to cut the mixture off the end of the nozzle cooking 4-5 at a time and repeat until all your mixture is used. Use a slotted spoon to turn and gently scoop out once golden brown.
  7. Let cool on a wire rack and dust with cinnamon sugar.


  1. Remove nougat from wrapper, roughly chop nougat and place into a food processor or thermomixer and blitz to a fine crumb.
  2. Place into a microwave safe bowl. Warm in the microwave in 20 sec busts, stirring in-between until melted.
  3. Once melted add cream until desired constancy is reached. Use less cream for a thick dipping sauce or add a little more for a silky glace.


Serve with friends or family.

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